How Not To Have A Heart Attack
It is 2 am, why am I feeling weird? Shivering, sweating, feeling unsettled... hmmm? I get up and go to the bathroom. The discomfort has passed, only took an hour, I wish I could get back to sleep. Breakfast went down well, but not feeling completely right... a little shaky, off . I get on the bus, light-headed, maybe. Is that tightness in my chest? Did I pull a muscle digging in the garden the other day? I try a few deep breaths. Better, yes? Time to get on the train... is that really tightness in my chest? Should I walk up the escalator or ride this time. No, I will walk, just like I always do, it will be a test. There, see, all good, tap my pass card and head for the second escalator, yeah, go ahead and climb. Join the queue on the platform and relax. Why is my heart thumping in my chest, I do this everyday, is this shortness of breath, am I dizzy? Deep breaths, deep breaths, here comes the train....